Develop and Visualize
Based on the selected customer offer and customer experience, the marketplace’s concept regarding color, shape, material and layout is developed. What experience and feeling do we want? How do we ensure the “natural language” that speaks to the customer? How should the current brand be expressed?
We work continuously to visualize the emerging concept in 3D models as a basis for a constant dialogue with you. We can also visualize the concept in VR and movies.
The concept of the marketplace is detailed and specified in detail in terms of material selection, design specification, detailed layout. Procurement documents and various types of drawings, plans, layouts and references are produced. Concept description and manuals are established.
This is done in close collaboration and in dialogue with selected suppliers for the concept.
- Pop-Up Solutions
- Behöver ni hjälp att designa och utveckla flexibla lösningar för återkommande eller tillfälliga Pop-up:er till er marknadsplats?
- Behöver ni analyser och layout för pop-up-ytor inkl. plan och strategi?
- Vi kan hjälpa er!
To develop the business and improve profitability, we can help you review work routines, delivery schedules, flow descriptions, product presentation and the customer offer.